Heat Treatment Plants (ISPM-15)

Heat Treatment ISPM-15 – maximum performance at minimum cost!

BIGonDRY srl has developed reduced investment compact plants, using direct heating systems without avoiding the installation of boilers and plumbing. Exchange circuits with high efficiency (up to 95-98%) run this type of plants, using conventional fuels (gas and diesel).
These plants are engineered to optimize consumption and minimize first investment and operating costs. Static or dynamic plants with frontal or carriage loading can be built in order to optimize loading and unloading dynamics and minimize all costs of handling, whose crucial impact would lead to higher costs during short process cycles.

Specific installations for the heat treatment of pallets and wood packaging material and phytosanitary treatment in accordance with ISPM 15 and International Standard Measures.

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ISPM-15 Application

Software for the control of heat treatment phase in accordance with the norm ISPM 15. FOR THE STERILIZATION OF WOOD during 30 minutes at 56°C. The system includes probes for detecting timber temperature. The software enables to store the process data and create a report fully complying with the norm specifications.

Direct and Indirect method 

BIGonDRY can support you with all methods required in each country around the word. The software enables to store the process data and create a report fully complying with the norm specifications.

“Tunnel” Kiln

Kilns provided with under-side loading rail car. It fits particularly fast drying cycles, providing in the low processing cost advantage through track loading and unloading time optimization.
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